Do These 5 Things To Achieve Your 2015 Resolutions

2015 resolution success

Make Your Resolutions A Success

2015 has arrived and probably like a large portion of the population you have made your resolutions for the year.

You had the massive boost of energy from the New Years Eve hustle and on that night you knew 100% that you were going to make those resolutions a complete success.

Yet only 2 weeks later, almost every single resolution has been broken.

The will power has gone replaced now only with excuses and new goals maybe for 2016 🙂

So what is the difference between those that make their resolution a succes and those that quit or give up within 2 weeks?

Here are 5 mistakes that most make so avoid them to make your goals a reality:

1) Just having your resolution floating around in your head – It is proven that the chances of any goal to be achieved dramatically improves when you write it down on paper. The best way to do this is get some index cards so as you don’t just write it down you carry them around with you and read them daily.

2) Overestimating Enthusiasm – Your New Year’s Eve enthusiasm will definetely wear off. Going on a diet or making thousands of dollars online seems like a great idea until you realise how much hard work would be involved then that enthusiasm starts to wear. Just know that you need to take a little but consistent action to your goal daily.

3) Going For Goals You Believe You Should Have Rather Than Those You Must Have – Is the resolution something that you really want or something you believe you should have. We always get our Must’s not our Shoulds. Look at someone with a six pack. Going to the gym for them is a MUST they find the time because it is part of what they must have not what they believe they should.

4) Not Believing In Yourself – Do you truely believe you can do it? Your feeling about wheather you can achieve something is all within your mind. One good thing is that if you don’t believe in yourself now it is trainable. This is a essential thing to have because people that aren’t brillant get what they want just because they fully believe in themselves.

5) Not Asking For Help – Even when you believe in yourself there is going to be times when you just need to ask for help. All of the most successful people always have a coach. Someone else who has walked the path that you want to walk can help keep you on track and help you when you struggle.

Remember will power alone wont make your goals happen.

Habits are hard to break. Infact changing old habits is super difficult. We don’t usually change old habits we replace them with new ones.

I wish you all the best for 2015 and truely hope that all your resolutions come true.

Keep improving, keep consistent and you will make things happen.

To Your Success


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