Emaar Ventures Review – Is Emaar Ventures Scam or Pyramid Scheme?

Emaar Ventures Review


Emaar Ventures is one of the many MLM business opportunities that have been getting a lot of attention on the internet lately. In this light, many people are trying to market this opportunity all over the web, especially on social media networks. So, do not be surprised if your closest friend or loved one approaches you and asks you to join the opportunity. Before you make any decisions, it is wise to do some research online and determine if the business is legit or just another scam. Read on to get all the details about this business opportunity.

Emaar Ventures

Emaar Ventures Review – Information about the Company

The official website for Emaar Ventures states that “our company was established in 2009, although we have had our mother company for over 20 years”.

What is interesting is the fact that the company’ website domain name was registered on June 8th of 2016. It is clear that this dates don’t match up at all, this means that the date mentioned on their website is a lie.

Things don’t seem right here; in fact they keep on getting worse. According to their official website:

“Emaar Ventures Company was officially founded on June 27, 2009. Today, the company is run and owned by Kazuki Mariyatsu, Mohamed Alabbar, Niko Yamagutu Vyacheslav Nikiforov.”

Note that the paragraph above was taken directly from the Emmar Ventures website. What’s interesting here is the fact that the same paragraph appears to have been copy and pasted directly from a website that belongs to “Tokyo Investment Company”.

After some little digging, it appears that Tokyo Investment is a form of forex HYIP scam that has been collapsed for some time now. If you try to search the names mentioned on the Emaar Ventures you will be surprised to find out that some of them are nothing but ghosts.

For instance, outside of Emaar Ventures Company and Tokyo Investment Company, there is no other information about Kazuki Mariyatsu, so it is safe to assume that this individual doesn’t exist at all.

Vyacheslav Nikiforov is a former football star and a Russian director. This person has never been involved in any MLM business at all before. In fact, there is no one in the world of business with such a name, so it is also safe to assume that he may or may not exist.

With that said, Mohamed Allabar appears to be a real person. He is a businessman who has been involved with UAE and he is listed as the chairperson for Emaar Properties.

After some little digging, it looks like Emaar Properties is one of the largest real estate development companies in the planet. The company is well known for developing the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world and the Dubai Mall, the largest mall in the planet.

It looks like the person(s) who is behind Emaar Ventures is connected to the Emaar Properties; however there is no any information out there to prove it.

Emaar Ventures Review – The Product Line

Emaar Ventures is one of those direct selling companies that operate without any form of a product line. This means that the business doesn’t offer any products or services to market or sell to retail customers. Therefore, the one and only source of income for this opportunity is the funds generated from the sale of affiliate membership.

The truth is it is hard for a network marketing company to survive without a product line. In fact, once you see a company that has no product line, it is a sign that you are dealing with some type of a scheme. This means that Emaar Ventures is operating as a Ponzi scheme.

Emaar Ventures Review

Emaar Ventures Review – The Compensation Plan

Moving on to Emaar Ventures compensation plan side of things, affiliates are tasked with investing their own money with a promise of earning a daily ROI. The investments being offered by the business are as follows:

Starter Level – This level requires you to invest anything between $20 and $200 in order to earn a daily ROI of 7% for a time period of 20 days. This adds to a total ROI of 140%.

Advanced Level – This level requires you to invest anything between $201 and $1,000 in order to earn a daily ROI of 5% for a time period of 40 days. This adds to a total ROI of 200%.

Premium Level – This level requires you to invest anything between $1,001 and $5000 in order to earn a daily ROI of 2% for a time period of 100 days. This adds to a total ROI of 200%.

Master Level – This level requires you to invest anything between $5,001 and $15,000 in order to earn a daily ROI of 1.8% for a time period of 200 days. This adds to a total ROI of 360%.

Tycoon Level – This level requires you to invest anything between $15,001 and $50,000 in order to earn a daily ROI of 2.5% for a time period of 300 days. This adds to a total ROI of 750%.

Referral Commissions

In addition to the above ROIs, the company also offers referral commission to its affiliates. The commission is paid out through a unilevel payment system. A unilevel payment system places one affiliate at the top of a team, and all the affiliates that he or she recruits are placed directly beneath him or her (level 1).

Level 2 consists of affiliates who are recruited by members from level 1. If any affiliate from level 2 sponsors a new member into the business, they are placed directly beneath them (level 3). The system repeats itself to an infinite number of levels.

Emaar Ventures pays out referral commission up to level 5. The commissions are paid out as a percentage and they are as follows:

Level 1 – Earns you a commission of 4%

Levels 2 and 3 – Earns you a commission of 1%

Levels 4 and 5 – Earns you a commission of 0.5%

What It Cost To Join Emaar Ventures

If you are thinking about joining this business opportunity, you will have to make an investment of at least $20. You can decide to invest as much money as you can (the limit is $50,000). Remember, the more you invest the more money you will earn.

Is Emaar Ventures Scam or Pyramid Scheme?

Has someone told you that Emaar Ventures is nothing but a scam? So, what is the truth? Is Emaar Venture legit or a scam? The good news is Emaar Ventures isn’t a complete a scam, but there are some few things that you should be worried about.

Emaar Ventures Scam


As always, a company that doesn’t disclose any background information about the person (s) that runs or owns the business has something to hide. Some of the people mentioned in the Emmar Ventures official website don’t exist at all. In addition, the business doesn’t offer any products to market or sell to retail customers. All these information suggests that this business opportunity is operating as a Ponzi scheme. So, think really hard and long before you decide to join the business.

I hope you enjoyed my Emaar Ventures Review post. If you would like to know what company I fully endorse and actually presently endorse myself then read on….

So This Company Is A Dud, Not One Of Your Top Recommendations But What Do You Promote Manny?

So I fully recommend the opportunity that you can access below. I have gone right through the whole system with a fine tooth comb and think it is one of the better opportunities out there which is why I now personally endorse it.

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Emaar Ventures Review



Meet the Author

Hi I have been actively marketing online for over 3 years now and have come through all the struggles to a point where I now understand how to use the internet to make money and even better know how to teach others to do the same. To learn more about me and become my next success story go here: https://www.empowermentteam.org/work-with-me